THEORY / Dominant Scale 1 according to Barry Harris


Practical and dynamic work methodology for the self-taught student
as well as for the teacher in class


You are buying (PDF of 31 pages – 108 MB) which contains:

* 10 Lessons (Theory of concepts to practice)

* 21 Exercises (Methodology, tempos, repetition bars, Audios of each exercise)

* 55 Phrases / Melodic lines (Gradual application of the concepts on a II V I with its corresponding written and audio analysis)

* 78 Audios (Essential for the complete study of each of the exercises)

* 2 Backing Tracks (Backing Tracks more than 3 minutes to strengthen knowledge)


  Chromatism…? How to use chromaticisms with non-scale notes?

This is the central axis of this book, which is based on how to use non-scale notes in an organized manner and with a practical and dynamic methodology.

Barry Harris proposes 4 concepts with the objective of embellishing out melodic phrases, those being.

 1. Chromatic Approximation.

 2. Chromatisms

 3. Pivot Note.

 4. Target Note.

All exercises and melodic phrases are developing over D Dominant scale, ascending or descending.

Even if the exercises are shown inside one octave only, you could extend them two or three octave longer depending on your instrument.

About Phrases or Melodic Lines

All and each one of the phrases I’ve written have as an objective to incorporate in a progressive manner each of the learned concepts.

For this reason, each of them has included the written analysis of each previously learned element with the intention of having a method when you have to write your own phrases or melodic lines.

78 Audios

78 essential audios are included for the complete study of this book

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